Home / Erasmus scholarship
Erasmus + (Plus) is one of the programs of the European Union in the field of education, training and youth sports. The main focus of this program is to increase the quality, integrity and coherence of education. Every year, many people around the world manage to use this program and send students to Europe in this way.
The Erasmus scholarship program is actually a program developed by the member states of the European Union, in which Turkey is also present, and a number of universities in this country use it.
In the Erasmus scholarship, students of some Turkish universities can study one or two semesters for free in one of the partner countries.
It is necessary to point out that the goal is not to transfer students and students will only have the opportunity to study in a foreign country and university for a short period of time.
Participating in an Erasmus Turkey scholarship will undoubtedly expose you to new ideas, help you learn about different cultures, discover many common values between cultures, improve your communication skills, and build an international network. .
The costs covered by this scholarship are as follows:
It is worth noting that in order to receive these fees, the applicant must first sign the fee granting agreement and then he will receive financial assistance based on the period of time he intends to use the scholarship.
Erasmus is one of the suitable international scholarships for students and helps them to know their knowledge and skills. Like any other type of scholarship, to receive an Erasmus scholarship in Turkey, you must meet certain conditions.
These conditions include:
After meeting these conditions, as an applicant, you will receive the Royal Erasmus Charter and enjoy the rights of a full student. It is worth mentioning that by receiving this charter, you must fulfill your obligations and responsibilities efficiently.
The documents required to receive an Erasmus scholarship in Turkey are as follows:
If you want to use this scholarship, to receive it, you should know that the application period for receiving the Erasmus scholarship starts from November (Azar) and lasts until February (March) every year.
What is Erasmus Plus?
Erasmus Plus is an educational scholarship program sponsored by the European Union, which was launched with the aim of organizing student exchange between universities and higher education institutions in Europe and other parts of the world.
The opportunity to study abroad within the framework of this program can be at least 3 months (or one academic semester) and at most 12 months (or two academic semesters).
General conditions
The first condition for using the Erasmus+ program is to register in one of the higher education centers in a course that leads to a degree. For Tehran University, this course will be limited to master's and doctoral students.
It should be noted that in addition to the general contracts introduced in this section, campuses and colleges have also signed specialized contracts within the framework of this program.
Specific conditions
1- Master's degree
A student studying in the master's course can use this opportunity only in the third or fourth semester of his studies.
2- Ph.D
The applicant student studying in the doctoral course must meet the following requirements when using the short-term scholarship:
has passed the comprehensive exam successfully;
The topic of his thesis has been approved;
have a general language score;
At most, he should be studying in the seventh semester.
Financial support
Not only do you not pay for these short-term courses, but you can also receive a subsidy to provide a round-trip ticket to the destination country as well as accommodation costs. The amount of this allowance depends on the cost of living in the destination country and the distance between the two countries.
Erasmus scholarship
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